Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Preschool Nutrition - 1444 Words

Preschool Nutrition Service Project The target population of this service project was thirteen preschool children with ages that ranged between four and five years of age. The gender distribution included six boys and seven girls with residence distributed between Porter and La Porte counties of Indiana. Attention to teaching and promotion of good nutrition habits can have lasting positive effects on the growing child. During the preschool years growth is progressing at approximately 4.5 pounds a year, with an average increase of 2 to 3.5 inches in height yearly. Developmentally, advances in both fine and gross motor skills as well as language and play develop quickly in this age group. Proper nutrition is vital to maximize these†¦show more content†¦8. Split the children into two teams and played a relay race game. Each team raced to sort 32 pictures of food ranging all food groups and â€Å"sometimes† food into one of two buckets. One bucket was named Healthy Foods, and the second named Sometimes Food. This method of teaching was chosen because it contained several teaching styles such as, auditory, verbal and kinesthetic. It was informational yet allowed for the preschoolers to touch and see the different types of familiar food and then connect the food with the proper food group through activity or kinesthetic learning. The story was fun and age appropriate and tied the nutrition choices of the caterpillar to the food pyramid through auditory learning. Allowing the preschooler(s) to verbalize the proper food group during individual turns of sorting foods into food groups allowed for reinforcement and return demonstration for the lecture portion of the project, supporting the cognitive domain. The service project concluded with a game allowing the children to think about the food chosen through interactive play or kinesthetic activity and supports the psychomotor learning style of preschool aged students. 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