Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Literary Analysis Of A Worn Path - 710 Words

Literary Analysis of A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty The famous short-story, A Worn Path, has enlightened many readers since it was published in 1941. This story tells the tale of an old woman and her long adventure to town. She experiences many obstacles her journey and people who make her consider giving up, but she keeps her head high and continues on. Welty’s inspiration struck when an elderly woman walked past in the distance on her way through the countryside. â€Å"A Worn Path† is an uplifting tale that shows true persistence and determination; something that humans should all strive to execute in their day-to-day lives. There are many ways to interpret this story. However, the boldness that the granny radiates through her dedication to†¦show more content†¦There is more than just the force of nature in her way. People, ghosts, and her own imagination attempt to keep her from going to town. After being knocked down by a dog in the forest, Phoenix is assiste d by a hunter. He seems to be friendly at first but the hunter is actually not kind to Phoenix. Not only does he send his dog to attack Phoenix Jackson but he also puts a gun to her head. With a gun at her head, the old woman did not flinch because she was not scared or worried. Phoenix Jackson knew that the man could not shoot her because it was against human nature. This act shows Phoenix Jackson’s character, it displays her boldness clearly for the reader. The young man insisted that the trail was not made for old Phoenix Jackson and told her to just go home but she was not giving to give in when she was so close. When brought to a corn field, Phoenix is scared of the â€Å"ghost† that is there; but once shes closer, she realizes its only a scarecrow. Phoenix’s own imagination is the one to blame here for trying to send Phoenix home. The old grandma would drift off in a daydream and have to capture her attention to keep going. The author uses all of these dis tractions to show how truly difficult this journey was and the dedication displayed by Ms. Jackson. This story is not meant to be humorous or political, scientific or intense. It was meant to inspire those who read it. All of theShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of A Worn Path1221 Words   |  5 PagesOvercoming Obstacles: A Literary Analysis of â€Å"A Worn Path† Thesis: â€Å"A Worn Path† by Eudora Welty is one of the best short stories to incorporate different symbolic representations of determination and the will to live. I. Introduction II. Phoenix A. Definition B. Characteristics III. Natural symbolism A. Steep hill B. Thorns of bush IV. Perceived Racism A. Imagined cake B. White hunter V. Arrival in Natchez A. 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